Complete Your Census! - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Complete Your Census!

The United States Census counts every resident in the United States every 10 years. April 1, 2020 is Census Day! Participating in the Census is very important for Longmont. Please help us make sure Everyone Counts in Longmont by completing the Census!

Things to know about the Census 

Responding is easier than ever

For the first time in history, it will be possible to respond to the Census via the internet. Phone responses and mailing in a paper form are still options too. Census forms are available in Spanish and several other languages.

  • Online: Visit on or after March 12
  • Mail: Fill out the questionnaire mailed to your home in mid-March
  • Phone: Call 844-330-2020 (en español 844-468-2020)

The Census brings money to Longmont

A complete count ensures programs and services such as Medicaid, Section 8 housing vouchers, federal Pell Grants, childcare assistance, Head Start, and many more get the federal funding they rely on. In Longmont, we receive almost $1,500 per person per year in federal funding based on our Census count. For every person who isn’t counted, we lose about $15,000 over the next decade. If we miss 100 residents, Longmont could lose almost $1.5 million of dollars in federal funding!

The Census determines how we’re represented

Census results are used to determine how many seats states get in Congress; projections indicate that Colorado will likely gain a congressional seat! State and local officials also use census counts to draw boundaries for congressional districts, state legislative districts, and school districts.

Responding is safe

Your information is protected by law and confidentiality is guaranteed. Responses are only used to produce statistics; the Census Bureau does not disclose any personal information.

It’s required by law

Everyone living in the United States is required by law to be counted in the 2020 Census.