Hard-to-Recycle Items Collection Event - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Hard-to-Recycle Items Collection Event

Hard to Recycle Event: 

This first HTR event has been an overwhelming success!! All reservations spots are full. Please look forward to our next HTR event in the spring or early summer of 2022. 

Thank you for participating in this year’s event.


  • At Green Girl Recycling, 21 S. Sunset St., Longmont (see map)

Imaging showing a map with Green Girl Recycling's location.


 Accepted items  Cost to resident
Flat screen TVs; computer monitors First one free; $1.00 per screen inch, measured corner to corner, for each additional TV 
Desktop and laptop computers, cell phones, cameras, game consoles, stereo equipment, cables and wires  Free
CRT TVs First one free; $3.00 per screen inch, measured corner to corner, for each additional TV
CD and DVD players, small household appliances, printers, fax machines, things with cords First 40 pounds free; $.40 per pound after that 
Books (hard-covered; paperbacks can be placed in curbside recycling cart) First box or bag free; $2.00 per box or bag after that 
Shredded paper First box or bag free; $5.00 per box or bag after that 
Ceramic toilets and sinks Free 
Bicycle tires and tubes (no vehicle tires)  Free 
Printer cartridges  Free 
 Large durable plastic items, such as play structures Free 
 Glass, such as drinking glasses and wine bottles Free 
 Not Accepted items  Alternative disposal Site
Household and automobile oils Free at the Waste Diversion Center 
Plastic bags Free at the Waste Diversion Center
Cardboard Free at the Waste Diversion Center
Styrofoam Free at the Waste Diversion Center
Washers and dryers Free at the Waste Diversion Center
Paint and other household chemicals Free at the Boulder County Hazardous Materials Management Facility 
Light bulbs Free at the Boulder County Hazardous Materials Management Facility 
Refrigerators, air conditioning units Free at C&J Recycling, 2nd and Martin St., Longmont
Medical pharmaceuticals  Free Take Back Event twice per year; sponsored by the City 
Medical needles Packed appropriately and placed in curbside trash collection cart 
Furniture, including mattresses Free Landfill Days, four times per year 
Plate glass Packed appropriately and placed in curbside trash collection cart 
Vehicle tires Free at any tire dealership location