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Garden Acres Community Park

A photo of the entrance to Garden Acres Park.

Community Park Hours: 5:00 am to 11:00 pm.


Dry Creek Community Park is a 23-acre park named for the creek running through the site. Amenities at the park include a multi-tiered and ADA accessible playground, restrooms, parking, walking paths and Dry Creek Greenway trail connection from Grandview Meadows Drive to Blue Skies Park, an 18 hole disc golf course, and a sledding hill. There is also a multi-use sports field including cricket pitches.


Visit the Dry Creek Community Park development page.


Visit the Plans, Maps & Reports webpage and click Map of Parks in Longmont to see all parks displayed on an interactive map. Choose from the Amenities dropdown menu to find parks with the amenity you are seeking, such as playground, pool, or picnic area.


The amenities currently available at the park represent Phase 1 of development of the park. To view the full Dry Creek Community Park Master Plan and learn more about future development of Dry Creek Community Park visit our Park & Trail Development, Plans, Maps and Reports webpage.


For general information about this park, contact Parks, Open Space & Trails.


Dry Creek Community Park General FAQs

Dry Creek Community Park Prairie Dog FAQs

Dry Creek Community Park Phase 2 FAQs

Dry Creek Community Park / Sports Fields: Synthetic Turf FAQs

Dry Creek Community Park / Sports Fields: Field Lighting FAQs

Dry Creek Community Park / Sports Field Recreation: Demand and Scheduling FAQ

Dry Creek Community Park / Sports Field Recreation: Public Engagement FAQs

Dry Creek Community Park / Future Recreation Facilities FAQs

Dry Creek Community Park / Future Park West of Mountain Drive in the West Grange Subdivision FAQs

Dry Creek Community Park / Existing Sledding Hill FAQs