Radar speed signs, also known as driver feedback signs, will be installed with the project.
Additional speed limit signs will be installed with the driver feedback signs.
Also, staff will present residents’ concern about speeding on County Line Road to the Traffic Engineering division to determine if any further traffic calming methods can be incorporated to slow traffic along this road.
Has the City looked at measures to reduce the potential for increased traffic noise between 9th and 17th with the County Line Road improvements?
The effectiveness of landscaping for noise mitigation depends largely on the extent of plantings and a layered approach to installation. Individual homeowners associations (HOAs) can apply for Neighborhood Improvement Program grants and partner with the City to address specific areas of concern.
For example, the Shadow Grass Park HOA will be using such a grant to install landscaping measures along County Line Road from 17th to Sunshine Avenue.
How is the City able to manage the portion of the Spring Gulch #2 project that is in Weld County?
The Weld County properties have been annexed and incorporated into City of Longmont jurisdiction.
Can the property south of the Eastgate development be rezoned? What is the development potential for the currently designated open space property south of the Eastgate Development?
Rezoning of the property would require a decision made by City Council. The property is currently owned by the Open Space Program which is governed by the Disposition of City Open Space Ordinance O-2011-10. This ordinance states that if property is decided to be removed from the open space program then it would require a recommendation for removal by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board as well as a decision by City Council.
There are no current plans to develop the property south of the Eastgate development. Currently, the Rider well site located on the property is being reclaimed. Once cleanup is complete, the City will have the ability to evaluate development potential in the area. However, any decision to allow development is one that would up to the City Council to make.
Why Cottonwood trees along Spring Gulch #2 Greenway? Why were cottonwoods selected for the landscaping along Spring Gulch #2?
Plains Cottonwoods are native to Colorado and are especially prevalent in floodplains and bordering streams similar to Spring Gulch #2. Cottonwoods trees make excellent nest platforms for a variety of predatory birds such as eagles, hawks and owls as well as birds like blue herons.
Don’t Cottonwoods produce a lot of “snow” when they flower? (Also, how can you tell whether a Cottonwood is male?)
The sex of a Cottonwood tree can be determined when the trees begin to flower in the spring. The male flowers are red while the female flowers are yellowish green pods that eventually produce cotton. Cultivars provided at nurseries in the Front Range of Colorado (where the City of Longmont acquires its plantings) were grafted from a single male tree creating saplings that are also male.
Don’t Cottonwoods consume a large volume of water?
A Cottonwood tree consumes approximately 30-130 gallons of water a day depending on its size and environment. For comparison, an average person uses approximately 80-100 gallons of water a day. These statistics were gathered from the Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management and the United States Geological Survey.
Are there Evergreen species included for the landscaping along Spring Gulch #2?
The project landscape architect selected plants that would be successful in restoring the natural areas around Spring Gulch #2 to pre-construction conditions. Evergreen species were not originally found along the length of this drainage. However, we will consider their inclusion.
Do the landscaping plans include planting Milkweed along the disturbed areas near the existing detention pond located near Shadow Grass Park apartments?
Yes, the project upland seeding includes a Showy Milkweed variety for plantings in the areas near the the detention pond.
Will the existing barbed wire fence along the southern boundary of the Eastgate development be removed as part of the Spring Gulch #2 project?
Staff will visit the site and determine if the fence removal can be incorporated with the project removals for Phase 2 of the Spring Gulch #2 project.
After the project will Spring Gulch #2 require dredging maintenance?
The project has been designed to function as a natural stream channel. This will include a low-flow channel that is narrow and deep to prevent excessive vegetation growth and sedimentation issues.