FAQs - Northeast Longmont Capital Projects - City of Longmont Skip to main content
How will residents turn left onto County Line Road with the intersection improvements at Rustic Drive and Sunshine Avenue?

Residents will be able to use Armstrong Drive to turn onto eastbound 17th Avenue where they can make a left turn to head north on County Line Road.

The new intersections at Sunshine and Rustic will both be 3/4 intersections. This means that:

  • A vehicle traveling north on County Line Road can make a left turn into either Sunshine or Rustic (using a left-turn lane being installed as part of the project).
  • A vehicle traveling south on County Line Road can turn right onto either Sunshine or Rustic
  • Vehicles traveling on either Sunshine or Rustic can only turn right onto County Line Road

Intersection improvements are required to improve safety at both intersections.


Will there be a traffic signal at 17th Avenue and County Line Road?