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Winter Weather Alert: Snow & Ice

The City is prepared to launch Snow & Ice Control operations starting on Friday, Jan. 17 and continuing through Monday, Jan. 20 to fight icy streets and snow accumulation during a winter storm that is expected to last through the weekend accompanied by bitter cold temperatures.


New snow accumulation of up to 6 inches is expected over the weekend, with the majority of the snow expected Friday night into Saturday morning. Temperatures will be extremely cold over the weekend with lows falling to -10 degrees on Monday night.


Crews will be deployed to plow roads and apply treatment as needed. Please prepare, use caution and avoid or limit travel when conditions are hazardous.


Visit Severe Weather Shelter Information – City of Longmont for resources and information about assistance and additional resources for people experiencing homelessness.


Please use the following links to access updates and information:

Weather Updates  |  Street Snow Cameras  |  Road Condition Reports

St. Vrain Valley School District News  |  City of Longmont News

If conditions are severe, the City Emergency Alert webpage will be launched and updated regularly as the single-point communication hub for all storm related news and updates.

Additional Winter Storm Resources

Be Prepared

Ensure you’re ready by following the guidelines on our Be Snow Savvy webpage.

You can also find tips on the Office of Emergency Management Snow Storm webpage.

Understand our Goals in Snow and Ice Control

Visit LongmontColorado.gov/snow for an overview of the City’s goals and strategies, plus view the designated snow routes map. Not every street is a snow route; find the ones near you and plan your best trip.

Follow the Code

Most residents are required to remove snow and ice from the public sidewalks adjacent to their property. Longmont Municipal Code states that you have 24 hours after a storm ends to clear your sidewalks.

Report Problems

For emergency needs, contact Public Safety. If you have an immediate, life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1.

To report snow route concerns, contact Transportation.

To report electrical outages 24 hours a day, contact Longmont Power & Communications (LPC).

  • If a power line is damaged between your house and the pole, a private electrician should be called for repairs. LPC is not responsible for this repair. Report all other power line damages to Longmont Power & Communications.

To report downed or damaged trees on City property or right-of-way, contact Forestry.

  • If you have damaged trees on private property, please contact an independent tree contractor.

To report drainage problems on city streets, contact Water Utilities.

Report potholes by making a Street Repair Request.