Helicopter Voluntary Noise Abatement Procedures, Pilot Information - City of Longmont Skip to main content

Voluntary Noise Abatement Procedures

Within the vicinity of Longmont Vance Brand Airport are noise sensitive areas. By using your aircraft’s quietest departure techniques and following the guidelines and procedures below, we can reduce the noise impact on our neighbors. The City of Longmont has adopted Voluntary Noise Abatement Procedures (VNAP) and requests that resident and visitor aircraft comply with the VNAP described below.

Please Use Common Sense and Be Considerate to Airport Neighbors


  • Avoid over flying the congested areas of the city and outlying residential neighborhoods as much as possible
  • Avoid the flow of fixed-wing aircraft and land in a suitable clear area
  • Descend over the airport using a noise abatement approach recommended by helicopter manufacturer
  • Traffic pattern altitude is 5550 feet MSL (500 feet AGL)


Fly a tight pattern:

  • Runway 11: right downwind pattern within ½ mile of the runway (no wider than approximately ½ the runway length)
  • Runway 29 left downwind pattern within ½ mile of the runway (no wider than approximately ½ the runway length)

Pattern Work

  • Traffic pattern altitude is 5550 feet MSL (500 feet AGL)
  • Announce on Unicom if operating at a higher altitude


  • Climb to altitude over the airport or uncongested areas during transition to altitude.
  • Avoid over flying neighborhoods, congested areas of the city and outlying residential developments as much as possible
  • Follow high ambient noise routes such as major roadways

Community Concerns

Numerous complaints are received annually regarding flight operations that occur either over the city or to the west of the airport. Many of these can be avoided using some common sense and courtesy. Examples include:

  • Noise from low flying aircraft
  • Continual pattern work
  • Perceived lack of control from sharp maneuvers

Populated Areas Map

Helicopter Association International Descent Recommendations

Figure 1

Normal Descent Shallow Approach (not recommended)

Normal Descent Shallow Approach

Noise Abatement Descent (Steeper Descent Approach (preferred when operating at LMO)

Noise Abatement Descent

Voluntary Noise Abatement Acronyms

AGL – Above Ground Level

MSL – Above Mean Sea Level

RPM – Revolutions per Minute

TPA -Traffic Pattern Altitude

VASI – Visual Approach Slope Indicator

Vx – Best Angle of Climb

Vy – Best Rate of Climb

VFR – Visual Flight Rules