Adults Creative Night: Leather Coin Purse / Noche Creativa para Adultos: Monedero de Cuero - SOLD OUT! - City of Longmont Skip to main content

Adults Creative Night: Leather Coin Purse / Noche Creativa para Adultos: Monedero de Cuero – SOLD OUT!

  • Library Unquiet Study Area upstairs / ona colaborativa en el piso de arriba
  • Registration required / Es necesario registrarse
  • This program is in English and Spanish / Este programa será presentado en inglés y español


Celebrate Mexico’s Day of independence for the month of September by making a leather coin purse! Teens and adults are welcome; this program will be offered both in English and Spanish. Experience level – Beginner


¡Celebra el Día de la Independencia de México durante el mes de septiembre haciendo un monedero de cuero! Jóvenes y adultos son bienvenidos; este programa se ofrecerá tanto en inglés como en español. Nivel de experiencia: Principiante




Attend the Program

Registration is required to attend and is limited to 20 people. This event is now sold out. Those interested are welcome to come early to the event to participate on a first-come, first-served basis based on no-shows.