The Making of a Museum: Designing Spaces for Creativity, Understanding & Reflection - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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The Making of a Museum: Designing Spaces for Creativity, Understanding & Reflection

Featuring architect Maria Cole AIA; Robert Nauman Professor, CU Boulder; and Deborah Jordy, Executive Director, SCFD. Moderated by KUNC Reporter Rae Solomon.


From grand old institutions like NYC’s Metropolitan Museum of Art to the Denver Art Museum’s ultra-modern Libeskind designed Hamilton Building, join us as we explore how museum architecture shapes visitor experience and the role museum’s play in contributing to civic engagement.


Offered in conjunction with our current exhibition Build: Design & Create with LEGO

Free/Reservations Recommended
Make a Reservation Online or call 303-651-8374.



Thursday Nights @ the Museum

The Longmont Museum is open until 9 pm on Thursday evenings. Come early to visit our new exhibit  “Build: Design & Create with LEGO!” or take an Adult Art & Sip class.


In our Stewart Auditorium, every Thursday evening we offer a film, performance, or talk.

View upcoming Thursday Nights at the Museum.