Wildlife Management Plan Update (WMPU) Public Meeting #3
Wildlife Management Plan Update (WMPU) Public Meeting #3
The City of Longmont is updating its Wildlife Management Plan that was originally adopted in 2006.
Due to our ever-changing community, our recently adopted Envision Longmont Multimodal & Comprehensive Plan and the City’s Sustainability Plan, the Wildlife Management Plan is due for an update.
The City has hired topic expert professionals to lead us through a public process and a plan update.
At this meeting, the Wildlife Management Plan Update team will give a progress presentation to the Board of Environmental Affairs. The meeting will be held in the Water Conference Room.
Visit our Wildlife Management Plan web page to learn more, and to subscribe for future updates.
If you need translation or to request reasonable accommodation in order to participate, please contact our customer Service Center at (303) 651-8416 or by email at serviceworks@longmontcolorado.gov.