Virtual QPR Class for Suicide Prevention (Question, Persuade, Refer)
The Nonprofit Complete Count Committee of Boulder County and the Longmont Community Foundation are co-hosting a 2020 Census Community Training Workshop for Boulder County Nonprofits and Advocacy Organizations, Human Service Providers and Agencies.
Overall goal: The goal of the training is to educate, motivate, prepare and equip a cadre of Boulder County professionals and volunteers to:
1) Educate others about what the 2020 Census is, why it matters and how to respond
2) Conduct questionnaire assistance and motivate response
Intended Outcomes: At the conclusion of the training, participants will:
- Be able to explain what the Census is and why it matters to communities
- Be familiar with each question and how to answer it
- Be able to answer frequently asked question about timeline, privacy and confidentiality, and how data are used
- Know how to navigate the Census Outreach website and the Boulder County Resource Clearinghouse
- Receive "meeting in a bag" resource kit that contains Census informational and promotional materials
Registration is required. Click here to register for the event.