Election Information - City of Longmont Skip to main content

Election Information

The City Clerk coordinates and administers all Regular and Special Municipal Elections. Elections are held on the following dates:


  • REGULAR CITY ELECTIONS â€“ first Tuesday in November of each odd-numbered year. Regular Elections include candidates for City Council and any ballot issues or questions referred to the ballot by City Council or by citizens through a petition process. The Next Regular Municipal Election will be on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2025.
      • The offices up for election in November 2025 will be:
        • Mayor (2 year term), Mayor Joan Peck is not term limited and could run again
        • Ward 2 (4 year term), Councilmember Matthew Popkin could run for is first full term
        • At Large (4 year term), Councilmember Shiquita Yarbrough is not term limited and could run again
        • At Large (4 year term), Councilmember Aren Rodriguez is term limited

An informational session for potential candidates will be announced soon. Read more about running for City Council and qualifications for office.

  • SPECIAL ELECTIONS â€“ A Special Election can be called by the City Council, when needed.
  • GENERAL ELECTIONS â€“ first Tuesday following the first Monday in November of even-numbered years. General Elections include representatives to congress, state, and district offices, county commissioners and other county officers. Next General Election: November 3, 2026.
  •  PRIMARY ELECTIONS – Consult the County Clerk’s Office for the county in which you reside for information about Primary Elections.
  • PARTY CAUCUSES – The City of Longmont and The Boulder County Clerk and Recorder’s Office do not conduct the precinct caucuses nor the delegate selection process. The caucuses are conducted by the political parties. The following is information provided solely as a public service. Please contact your local political party for additional information and please see the Secretary of State Caucus FAQ for more information on the process.

Be Election Ready!

  • Check your voter registration. Make sure your address is current, especially if you have moved in the last year or have not voted recently. All active registered voters get a ballot in the mail. For November elections, ballots are mailed the second week of October. Check your registration at

  • Track your mail ballot. Visit www.BoulderCountyVotes.gov to sign up for Ballot Track to receive messages by email, text, or phone when your mail ballot has been printed, mailed, and then received back by Boulder County Elections during election periods.

  • Vote early. Ballots are generally mailed the second week of October. Once you decide how to vote, return your voted mail ballot. Voting early helps reduce campaign phone calls and helps the county process ballots throughout the election period rather than on just one night. There are many ways to return your ballot including via US mail (make sure to affix postage!), at a local dropbox, or at the drive-by ballot drop-off the day of the election. Check the light blue instructions insert sheet with your ballot for all of the options.