Igor Stravinsky’s “L’Histoire du Soldat” (“The Soldier’s Tale)
Thursday, Mar. 20 · 7 pm - 9 pm Longmont Museum 400 Quail Rd., Longmont, CO 80501

Accompanied by a narrator, the Longmont Symphony Orchestra performs Stravinsky’s score from this celebrated 1918 theater piece featuring a mix of jazz, tango rhythms, marches, a waltz and a chorale. A soldier on leave from the army trades his violin for a magic book that can tell the future and make him rich but he soon discovers that he has made a deal with the devil.
The Longmont Symphony Orchestra (LSO) was founded in 1966 by Phil Mattoon, and conductors, Leo Meyer and Walter Birkedahl. The first concert was held in April 1966. In 1970, Leo Meyer became the conductor and served in that position for twelve seasons. After his retirement in 1983, Dr. Robert Olson, was selected as Music Director of the LSO. After 34 years, Dr. Olson announced his retirement, and he has been named LSO Conductor Emeritus. Elliot Moore was selected as the LSO’s new music director commencing July 1, 2017. During its first full season (1966-1967), the symphony presented four concerts with a budget of $1,645. The LSO now presents 15 performances per year (7 Mainstage concerts at Vance Brand Civic Auditorium; 2 free July 4th concerts; a Holiday performance; two full performances of The Nutcracker with the Boulder Ballet, plus a shortened Gentle Nutcracker for individuals with special needs and their families; and a pair of concerts for all St. Vrain Valley School District 5th graders), and has an active education and outreach program.
This concert is part of our Thursday Nights @ the Museum series. Join us every Thursday from Jan. 23 – May 1 for concerts, films, and free talks in the Longmont Museum’s Stewart Auditorium.
The Museum galleries are also open late on Thursday nights. Explore the Picasso exhibit with extra hours from 5 – 9 pm before your program