Longmont Public Library Peeps Diorama Exhibit / Exposición de Dioramas con Peeps de la Biblioteca Pública de Longmont
Friday, Apr. 11 · 9 am - Friday, Apr. 18 · 5 pm Longmont Library 409 4th Ave., Longmont, CO 80501

Each diorama submitted will be entered into one of three prize drawings based on creators age.
Best Adult Diorama (ages 14 and up)
Best Tween Diorama (ages 9-13)
Best Kid Diorama (Age 8 and under)
Dioramas will be on public display Friday, April 11 through Friday, April 18. Prize drawing will take place on April 18 and winners will be notified.
Entry Rules:
- Dioramas should have a book theme.
- Dioramas must contain 1 or more Peep(s).
- Entries can be no larger than 16” x 16” and must be freestanding.
- Entries can be dropped off at the Library starting Thursday, April 3. All entries must be received by 8pm Thursday, April 10.
For the adult category, bring diorama to the Check-out desk on the 1st floor. For the kids & Tweens category , drop off dioramas at the Children and Teens Desk.
The library is not responsible for any damage done to the diorama. Dioramas not picked up by April 23 will be disposed of.
Detalles y Formulario – Download Entry Form