Athletic Field Neighborhood Park
Athletic Field Neighborhood Park
Neighborhood Park Hours: 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunset
Athletic Field Neighborhood Park includes seating, a multiuse playing field, lighting, a basketball court and a play area. The park also features a spiral labyrinth that is designed to feature the rising water when the area floods.
The park is 3.5 acres and located in the historic Kiteley Neighborhood north of downtown Longmont.
Visit the Plans, Maps & Reports webpage and click Map of Parks in Longmont to see all parks displayed on an interactive map. Choose from the Amenities dropdown menu to find parks with the amenity you are seeking, such as playground, pool, or picnic area.
For more information about this park, contact Parks, Open Space & Trails.
This park was originally a detention area for the Loomiller storm sewer system. However, the Kiteley neighborhood envisioned the area as a multiuse area. While detention remains a primary function of the park, flooding is rare.