Dry Creek Greenway
Dry Creek Greenway
Hours of use for Greenway Trailheads and Greenway Lands is 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunset, while the Greenway Trail itself is open 24 hours, 7 days a week given there is continuous movement on the trail. Learn more about rules and regulations on public lands.
The Dry Creek Greenway runs west from Willow Farm Neighborhood Park (at Fordham Street) to Grandview Meadows Drive (near Silver Creek High School). Further west, the trail runs from Blue Skies Neighborhood Park to North 75th Street.
As development continues, the Dry Creek Greenway will link the two existing trail segments within Dry Creek Community Park (west of Grandview Meadows Drive and east of Mountain Drive). This Greenway will eventually connect to Village at the Peaks at Hover Street. Other facilities found along this greenway include: Eagle Crest Elementary School, Altona Middle School, Silver Creek High School and Blue Mountain Elementary School. Dry Creek Greenway opens to several detention pond sites that are also part of the Longmont park system.
For more information, contact Parks, Open Space & Trails.