40th Anniversary of Tree City USA for Longmont - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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40th Anniversary of Tree City USA for Longmont

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Longmont’s designation as a Tree City USA.

During that time, the residents of Longmont have supported the growth and maintenance of our urban forest. The urban forest helps to clean the air we breathe, shade the homes we live in, reduce our energy bills for cooling, and helps define Longmont as a home.

This spring, Longmont’s Forestry division continues the tradition of growing our urban forest by planting trees along City streets, on golf courses, and in parks for future generations to enjoy.

Trees helped to define Longmont as a new home for the colonists from Chicago who settled here in the late 1800s; and they continue to help many residents today embrace Longmont as home.

The historic aerial photo below, courtesy of the Longmont Museum, shows how Longmont was cut out of the treeless plains.

The modern photos show a member our Forestry team planting a tree last week at Sunset Golf Course.

Learn more about the City of Longmont’s Forestry division >

aerial view of Longmont in 1950s

forestry staff digging hole to plant tree

forestry staff mulching around planted tree