9th Avenue Paving, Reconstruction Work Begins June 29
9th Avenue Paving, Reconstruction Work Begins June 29
Paving and reconstruction of 9th Avenue between Airport Road and Hover Street is scheduled to begin on June 29, 2020 and be completed in September 2020, weather permitting. The project will provide enhancements to multimodal transportation, improve vehicular safety, and rehabilitate the aging asphalt pavement along 9th Avenue.
This estimated $1.56 million project is part of the City’s Annual Pavement Management Program, which is funded through the City’s 3/4-cent Street Fund Sales and Use Tax. Asphalt Specialties, Co., Inc. has been selected by the City of Longmont to complete the following improvements as part of this project:
- Repave 9th Avenue from Airport Road to Hover Street.
- Add buffered and non-buffered on-street bike lanes from Airport Road to Hover Street.
- Widen 9th Avenue between Iron Court and Wade Road to accommodate bike lanes.
- Reconstruct 9th Avenue from Iron Court to Hayden Court.
- Add a westbound 9th Avenue left-turn lane at Hayden Court.
- Relocate several utility poles away from 9th Avenue near Iron Court.
- Install various traffic calming features, such as travel lane width reductions and radar speed display signs.
Active construction will occur over a ten- to twelve-week period. Travelers should expect a full closure of 9th Avenue for up to five weeks within this time to support the reconstruction of 9th Avenue. Local traffic access will be maintained at all times. Subsequent notice of the closure period will be provided.
Significant disruptions to normal traffic operations should be expected, and the public is encouraged to use alternate routes to avoid construction delays and road closures. Current project information and traffic impacts can be found on the project website at bit.ly/9th-ave-improvements.
If you have questions or concerns about the project, please call the Project Hotline at
(720) 504-6308 or email 9thImprovements@gmail.com.