A True Honor
A True Honor
NextLight succeeds because of Longmont’s support. It’s that simple. We exist because Longmont wanted better internet and voted for it. And we thrive because our residents, our businesses – YOU – keep signing up and then sharing the NextLight love with everyone nearby.
That local love is fantastic. And now it’s drawn some national attention.
About a month ago, PC Magazine had a simple request: “Tell us about your ISP.” Longmont answered – and how! When the dust cleared and the surveys were totaled, all of you had powered NextLight to not just one, but three PC Magazine Readers’ Choice Awards. As in the best home ISP overall, the best fiber-based home ISP and the best business ISP.
Wow. Wow. And wow.
We’ve seen NextLight get honored many times, of course, for cool qualities such as our lightning-fast speedor the edge we give gamers. It’s always great. But this one’s really special because this one recognizes our true strength.
Namely, all of you.
“I’m sure it’s been said a bunch of times, but I have to say it again: I freakin’ love NextLight,” one of our customers said on social media recently.
As a community-owned broadband service, that’s the best award we could ever win. And it’s why our first priority, now and always, is for you to have an internet service worth bragging about. One that can fire up your business, light up your learning and keep your home moving at warp speed.
When you experience that, we all win.
So thank you. And congratulations. Because this honor belongs to the entire NextLight community. You’re the real champions.
And we’ll tell the world about that any time.