Across the Line
Across the Line
Why did the NextLight cross the road? To connect to the other side.
No, that’s not a bit of stand-up. Rather, it’s our latest announcement. After close to 10 years of providing the finest internet service in Longmont, NextLight has officially crossed Highway 66 and into the Anhawa and Strawberry Circle neighborhoods.
A small step in distance. A big step in meaning.
When Longmont first built NextLight, the potential service area was simple: our fiber could go anywhere that had Longmont’s electric service. The follow-up bond issue was even simpler: those initial funds had to be spent inside the Longmont city limits.
They were. And we’ve been studying our opportunities ever since. Opportunities that became even less constrained last year when the state removed its restrictions on broadband networks. Now, it’s time to grow.
That’s a story that should be familiar to any NextLight customer. With a high-speed, high-quality network at your fingertips, the possibilities are defined by what you need and what makes sense for you. And that’s true whether you’re connecting your home, empowering your business or even taking a major industry to the next level.
Your dreams. NextLight’s fiber. It’s a pretty unbeatable combination.
If you haven’t yet explored those possibilities yourself, remember that new customers can try NextLight’s gig connection free for one month if you contact us by March 30, 2024. Likewise, our current NextLight stalwarts who haven’t yet tried our high-powered home Wifi6 service can try the router out for a month as well if they sign up by that date. (And of course, all our customers can get a $50 bill credit by referring a friend or neighbor to NextLight)
Keep powering up those possibilities. And while you’re doing it, go ahead and wave a “hello” to your new neighbors.
After all, the NextLight community is a little larger now. And that’s a great step indeed.