Adding It Up
Adding It Up
If I don’t make lists, things tend to sneak up on me.
You know the sort of thing. The must-do chore that should have been must-done five days ago. The daily exercise routine that’s easy to put off “just this once” for the 10th time in a row. The project that really won’t take that long … except for the seven others just like it that are standing in line.
Individually, most of my tasks are pretty small. Collectively, they add up. So being aware and taking care of them can make a big difference.
Just like saving on your utilities.
On March 10, the City and Xcel Energy will be holding a free webinar on how to read and reduce your household utility bills. There’ll be people online to go over your city utilities like power, water and NextLight, as well as your Xcel natural gas bill. They’ll talk about what everything means, how to save expenses, and what rebate programs can help you save even more.
If you’re a regular reader here, you may recognize a few things. Like, say, the small devices at the Efficiency Works store that can add up to real savings. Or the chance to have a free virtual energy assessment of your home to see what opportunities you have for greater efficiency. Or the reduced NextLight rates for income-qualified families and those impacted by COVID-19, as well as the free connection offered by Sharing the NextLight.
These and more all play a part, both in bringing down your home’s costs and in creating a more sustainable Longmont. The hour-long session starts at 6:30 p.m., so go ahead and register and then come check it out – and yes, Spanish interpretation will be available.
There’ll be a lot of helpful advice, so this will be one you want to remember.
Make sure to keep it on your list.
Need more information? Email or call 303-651-8416.