All Charged Up and Ready to Roll
All Charged Up and Ready to Roll
Every so often I find myself battling an earworm, a scrap of music that will not leave my brain. Old pop songs, schoolyard favorites, anything’s fair game.
What’s embarrassing is that this time, it’s not even a cool song. It’s an air freshener commercial. Are there any other escapees from the 1990s and early 2000s who remember the immortal Glade rhapsody of “Plug it in, plug it in?”
I know exactly why I’m thinking of it, too. We’ve just put in new Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations at the four City-owned sites around town. These are ChargePoint stations (which have a ChargePoint app to go with them) that will eventually be handling two vehicles at once, making them even handier.
If you have an EV and you haven’t used these yet – or even if you have – make a note. They’re available at the Longmont Museum; the St. Vrain Memorial Building; the Longmont Service Center; and at the 300 East Main parking lot, between Third and Fourth Avenue, allowing plenty of options.
And if you’re the sort who plugs in regularly, there’s still an opportunity to get your very own smart Level 2 charger at a rebate. Platte River Power Authority, our electric wholesale provider, is looking for Longmont EV drivers to be part of a study. You can join by going to our EfficiencyWorks stores and buying a JuiceBox Pro 40 charging station at a $200 rebate. (Early participants get an additional $154 rebate.) That helps you monitor your energy usage and schedule your charging, and helps Platte River to gain the information it needs about how people are using their vehicles.
Between the stations and the rebates, there’s plenty to be charged about. So go ahead. Plug it in, plug it in.
And if you’re hearing that song, too – well, it’s nice to have company.