Annual City-Owned Tree Pruning & Removal Work - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Annual City-Owned Tree Pruning & Removal Work

Each year, Forestry Services contracts with licensed tree contractors for pruning and removal of City-owned trees as necessary to maintain the health and manage safety of our urban forest. The program begins in January and is typically completed by May 1.

This work takes place during the winter months while the trees are dormant. Pruning is performed on a need basis, mostly on large trees in Old Town Longmont, along stretches of greenway or along primary streets. Removals are performed when trees are dead, diseased, decayed, hazardous or structurally unsound. Additionally, some live Ash trees of poor/very poor quality will be removed as part of Forestry’s Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan.

This work is performed by licensed tree contractors and ISA Certified Arborists are required to be onsite. “No Parking” signs and door hangers are commonly used to notify residents when work near their house will be performed, or if parking areas are to be left open for the needed tree maintenance.

For general information on Forestry Services, please visit For specific questions about the annual tree pruning and removal program, please call (303) 651-8416.