Annual Tree Pruning and Tree Removals Underway - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Annual Tree Pruning and Tree Removals Underway

The City’s Forestry Services annually prunes trees in Old Town on an as needed basis to maintain the health and safety of the urban forest. Contractors are hired through a competitive bid to prune and remove large trees, and Forestry staff will perform work on small and medium sized trees.

This year’s program begins in February and is expected to be complete by mid-May. “No Parking” signs and door hangers are commonly used to notify residents when work will be performed near their homes, or if parking areas are to be left open for tree work.

Tree maintenance at public buildings, along arterials, in parks and along greenways occurs on a rotational basis throughout the year. Trees are removed when they’re dead, diseased, decayed, hazardous or structurally unsound. Some ash trees will be removed as part of Forestry’s Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan.

For general forestry information visit For specific information about the annual tree pruning and removal program, call 303-651-8416.