Annual Water Line Flushing Program To Begin April 26
Annual Water Line Flushing Program To Begin April 26
Each spring, City of Longmont water utilities employees flush the main water lines to keep water quality at its highest level and to ensure that fire hydrants are operational. The benefits realized in water quality and fire protection far outweigh the comparatively small amount of water released during the flushing program.
2021 flushing dates are scheduled for April 26 through May 21 (dates subject to change.) Visit our interactive map for a weekly timeline of water line flushing by area. This map will be updated regularly to show which upcoming areas for water line flushing, as well as which areas have been completed.
You may notice low water pressure, discolored water or no water for short periods of time when flushing is taking place in your neighborhood. We recommend residents limit water use when possible during this time. To the extent possible, residents should avoid using hot water when flushing is occurring in their neighborhood.
For more information, visit the water line flushing webpage. Frequently Asked Questions are towards the bottom of the page or you can contact our Customer Service Center at (303) 651‐8416.