Avoid the Scam
Avoid the Scam
You commonly see City employees or contractors working outside repairing streets, reading water meters, picking up trash, and installing fiber optic cable.
Sometimes they have to come on your property to get work done. But how do you know they really work for the City? How can you be sure?
Six things to keep in mind when someone claims to work for the City:
• Always look for a Longmont City ID on their clothing. Employees always wear a t-shirt or uniform or jacket with a City logo or emblem. For example, Longmont Power & Communications employees wear clothing with “LPC” or “Nextlight” on it; others will be wearing the City logo. (Nextlight is the name of Longmont’s broadband service.) Sometimes, LPC hires contractors – they will not be wearing City logos on their clothing but they must have ID badges.
• Employees working for the City are usually driving vehicles that are clearly marked with City logos
• Longmont employees are required to carry identification with the City’s phone number printed on the back. Call the number if you’re in doubt.
• A City utility worker will never ask to be paid directly by the customer and will not take money from you.
• A City utility worker will only come inside the house for a pre-scheduled appointment – a NextLight installation, indoor water meter reading or similar work. There should be no other reason to come inside the home.
• If a contractor doing work for the City comes to the house, that person will have City identification as well. Contractors are sometimes assigned work inside residents’ homes and they are required to have City ID badges.
Longmont Public Works & Natural Resources: 303-651-8416
Longmont Power & Communications: 303-651-8386