Changes to Compost Collection Services - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Changes to Compost Collection Services

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Valued Longmont Composting Customer,

Thank you for being a Longmont curbside compost customer. We’re providing this information as a reminder of the changes that our compost processor, A1 Organics, has put in place to create clean compost free of contamination. 

As of April 1, the items below are no longer accepted in curbside composting service:  

• All paper products including yard debris bags, paper towels, paper bags, tissues, shredded paper (place in trash cart) 
• Compostable packaging – glasses, cups, plates, utensils, wood/bamboo stir sticks or any other products labeled “compostable” (place in trash cart) 
• Coffee pods (k-cups etc.) and coffee filters (place in trash cart) 
• Other compostable materials that are not explicitly food scraps and yard waste (Place in trash cart) 
• Cardboard materials of all types including shipping boxes and pizza boxes (place in recycle cart) 
Only the following items will continue to be accepted in curbside composting containers: 

• Loose yard waste (including yard, tree/shrubbery materials) 
• Food scraps, either loosely or contained in 3-gallon or smaller green CMA certified compostable bags.  
After two weeks of the new guidelines, there is still work to do to meet the composting requirements. Unfortunately, significant amounts of materials that are no longer accepted are being placed in the curbside compost bins, specifically cardboard, pizza boxes and paper products. The transfer facilities where Longmont takes the collected materials are enforcing a zero-tolerance policy for these materials.

If collection crews observe materials that are no longer accepted in the compost container, they will leave a tag on the container with instructions to remove those items and will gladly come back to empty your container once those items have been removed.

Thank you for your efforts and patience in adopting these updated guidelines. There are several ways to stay informed on these and other changes or updates. Please visit our website at