Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program Resumes in 2023 - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program Resumes in 2023

The Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program will resume in 2023 with educational sessions, allowing kids 15 and younger to fish at Izaak Walton Pond, located at 18 Sunset Street. The program will be on Saturday, March 18, but kids can fish at the pond all year long.

Youth 15 and under who have registered for the event will receive a free rod and reel upon completion of five educational sessions. The sessions include fish biology, fish handling, knot tying, fishing equipment and casting techniques. A total of 160 rods and reels will be available, so kids and their parents interested in participating should register early.

Registration is now available at

Izaak Walton Pond is stocked with fish in the weeks prior to the March 18 kickoff date thanks to Kids Fishing, Inc., Colorado Parks and Wildlife, St. Vrain and Left Hand Water Conservancy District, Longmont Optimists, Longmont Rotary and the City of Longmont.

The pond includes Large-mouth Bass, Black Crappie, Black Bullheads, Blue-gills, Green Sunfish, Carp and Rainbow Trout. Kids may use live bait and keep the fish they catch up to the state limit set for each species. The pond is open for fishing during the day only.

About the Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program

The annual Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program began in 2003 and takes place at the 15.7-acre Izaak Walton Pond located at Izaak Walton Nature Area, which is managed as a recreational fishery for the exclusive use of kids 15 and younger. The program is hosted by the City of Longmont’s Open Space Division and the nonprofit Kids Fishing, Inc., with assistance from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, St. Vrain and Left Hand Water Conservancy District, Trout Unlimited, Longmont Rotary and Longmont Breakfast Optimists.