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Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program Returns on Saturday, March 16

LONGMONT, Colo. – The Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program will return to the Izaak Walton Nature Area (18 S. Sunset St.) on Saturday, March 16. The program provides a special place for the youth of our community to catch fish and participate in fun outdoor activities during spring break. Youth 15 and younger who have registered for the event will receive a free rod and reel upon completion of three educational sessions. The educational sessions include:

  • Fish ID/Biology
  • Knot Tying
  • Casting Techniques

Registration is required, and opens on Feb. 19. Please sign up for one section per child. Youth will move through the three sessions listed above during their single section. Fishing and the first set of sessions begin at 8 am.

Register at

Izaak Walton Pond will be stocked with fish by Kid’s Fishing, Inc., Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the City of Longmont in the weeks prior to the 16th. The program is funded through private donations by Longmont businesses and non-profits and serviced by volunteers of Kids’ Fishing Inc., Colorado Parks & Wildlife, and Longmont Breakfast Optimists.

The event includes free hot dogs for all and free fishing for kids. Children who are not preregistered can still participate in the fishing clinic and free fishing but cannot be guaranteed a free pole. Groups are welcome, but are encouraged to sign up individually, and early.

The 15.7 acre pond at Izaak Walton Nature Area is managed as a recreational fishery for the exclusive use of children 15 and younger. Adults are encouraged to help kids fish but must preserve the fishing just for children. Kids may use live bait and keep the fish they catch up to the State limit for each species.

Parking is limited so carpooling is encouraged.

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