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City Begins the Big Dig Out

Single Pass Plowing on Residential Streets Starts Monday; Trash will be Collected Two Days Behind Normal Schedule; City Facilities to Reopen at 10 am Tuesday.

Single Pass Plowing on Residential Streets

Due to the large amount of snow that accumulated in Longmont over the weekend, the City will begin single pass plowing some residential streets beginning today, March 15 and continuing for two or three days. In order to allow for resumption of trash collection services, plow trucks will follow the trash collection schedule, beginning in South Longmont where collection has been rescheduled for Wednesday. Plow trucks should be able to get to most residential streets, but there are some locations like cul-de-sacs, dead end roads and narrow roads that might not be possible to plow. Residential roads are not designed for snow plowing because of 24/7 on-street parking, narrow roads that don’t have room for plowed snow, and the potential to block driveways with deep snow windrows. Residents can help with these operations and should expect the following:

  • Plows will make a single pass along streets, leaving an approximate 12-foot swath of plowed roadway.
  • Motorists are asked to allow room for plows to make their way down streets – please stay out of the way of plows when driving and do not park cars on the street if it can be avoided.
  • After plowing, residents can expect to encounter berms or rows of snow (called windrows) that may require significant snow shoveling work by residents around cars and driveways.
  • Plow truck operators will try to minimize the amount of snow pushed onto sidewalks, but residents should be prepared to remove snow that is thrown up on sidewalks from plowing operations. Take time to check on your neighbors to see if they need help after the plows pass by.
  • Trash/Recycling/Composting carts will need to be placed curbside, closest to the pile of snow – make sure to leave room for the trucks. Please note that there will be no collection on Monday, March 15 and Tuesday, March 16. Please read below for more information.
  • Need assistance with snow removal? Contact the Snow Busters program, run by Cultivate for seniors and disabled residents:

Trash will be Collected Two Days Behind Normal Schedule

All trash, recycling and compost routes will be collected two days behind normally scheduled collection day. Due to the high snowfall amounts and to give plow drivers time to clear residential roadways, there will be no trash collection on Monday, March 15 and Tuesday, March 16. All routes will be collected two days behind their normally scheduled collection day. Please reference the chart below to determine when your trash will be collected this week.

Normal Trash Collection Day

Amended Trash Collection Day









City Facilities to Reopen at 10 am Tuesday

City facilities will reopen to the public on Tuesday, March 16 at 10:00 am.

In order to continue to reduce traffic on the roads, the City will reopen buildings to the public on a delayed schedule. Facilities that will open at 10:00 am on Tuesday, March 15, 2021 include:

  • Recreation Facilities including Longmont Recreation Center, Memorial Building and Centennial Pool
  • Golf courses including Twin Peaks, Sunset and Ute Creek
  • Longmont Museum
  • Waste Diversion Center
  • Longmont Library curbside service (main building is not yet open to the public)
  • Safety and Justice Center Lobby
  • Button Rock Preserve
  • Union Reservoir
  • Longmont Civic Center
  • Longmont Service Center
  • Longmont Municipal Court
  • Development Services Center

For the most up to date information on road conditions, changes to waste collection services, event cancellations, building closures, and more, or to report a power outage, visit