City Closes Union Reservoir Swim and Dog Beaches, Fishing Pier
City Closes Union Reservoir Swim and Dog Beaches, Fishing Pier
Several changes are coming to Union Reservoir beginning Saturday, May 9. All the changes are related to public health and safety issues during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The swim beach, dog beach and fishing pier at Union Reservoir will no longer be open for use beginning Saturday. “Several large groups have been on the beach areas despite being asked by staff to disperse,” said Longmont City Manager Harold Dominguez. “Closure of these areas is a direct result of these violations of the social distancing orders.”
Union Reservoir is one of the only public beach facilities along the Front Range that had remained open since Gov. Jared Polis issued the initial state Stay-at-Home order in March. Reservoir rangers were finding that many visitors to the nature area were also violating the state mandate to not travel outside their local areas in order to visit. Longmont’s closure of the beach amenities will bring the city into alignment with the Governor’s Safer at Home order, as well as that of Boulder County Public Health. (The City of Longmont is following Boulder County Public Health guidelines within city limits, including at its Weld County facilities.)
Boating activities—including wakeless boating, canoeing, kayaking and paddleboarding—will continue to be permitted at the reservoir for now. Boating activities will be monitored for compliance with six-foot social distancing requirements or use of face coverings when not able to maintain distance, said Longmont Deputy City Manager Dale Rademacher. These boating activities at Union Reservoir will continue as long as users are able to maintain necessary social distancing requirements.
Daily passes only are being sold to access the reservoir at this time. Visit the Fees and Hours and Union Reservoir webpage at bit.ly/union-fees-and-hours for more details on daily pass costs, which depend on whether visitors also bring watercraft or trailered boats. Daily fees may be paid with credit card or by exact cash amount. Season passes are not being sold at this time.
Capacity at Union Reservoir will be reduced and drivers will be asked to park in every other space to help maintain social distancing. Visitors arriving after capacity has been reached will be denied entry until another visitor leaves.
Facilities are being cleaned daily, but not after each use. Visitors are reminded to bring what they need to be prepared (hand sanitizer, wipes, sunblock, water). As always, visitors are encouraged to consider their personal safety when boating or being on the water and to remember such activities are undertaken at your own risk.
Learn more about Longmont’s Union Reservoir at bit.ly/union-reservoir-longmont or call 303-772-1265.
Click the image to view a PDF file of a sign showing the guidelines that will be posted at Union Reservoir.