City of Longmont Job Alerts as of 10/16/2020
City of Longmont Job Alerts as of 10/16/2020
Latest job openings as of 10/16/2020
NEW REGULAR POSITIONS: Applications are now being accepted for the following new regular positions (includes benefits).
- 20200296 Accountant – Longmont Housing Authority Focus. Salary: $4,988-$5,542/MO. Closes 11/1/20.
- 20200295 Accounting Supervisor – Longmont Housing Authority Focus. Salary: $7,345-$8,161/MO. 11/1/20.
NEW TEMPORARY OR SEASONAL: Applications are now being accepted for the following new temporary or seasonal positions (does not include benefits).
- 20200287 Instructor 1-Sports. Rate of Pay: $12.00/HR. Open Until Filled.
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