City of Longmont Job Alerts as of 11/19/2020 - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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City of Longmont Job Alerts as of 11/19/2020

Latest job openings as of 11/19/20

NEW REGULAR POSITIONS: Applications are now being accepted for the following new regular positions (includes benefits).

  • 20200900 Community Manager-Courtesy posting for Longmont Housing Authority. Pay Range: $23.26-$25.84/HR. Open Until Filled.
  • 20200317 Housing Choice Voucher Specialist – Courtesy Posting for Longmont Housing Authority. Pay Range: $21.49-$23.88/HR. Open Until Filled.

NEW TEMPORARY OR SEASONAL: Applications are now being accepted for the following new temporary or seasonal positions (does not include benefits).

  • None at this time.

For more information regarding open positions or to submit an on-line application, please visit our website at




Current Job Postings for this Week