City of Longmont Job Alerts as of 2/14/19
City of Longmont Job Alerts as of 2/14/19
Latest job openings as of 02/14/2019
NEW REGULAR POSITIONS: Applications are now being accepted for the following new regular positions (includes benefits).
- 20190048 Peer Case Manager. Pay Range: $15.04 – $16.71/HR. Closes 2/21/19.
- 20190024 Natural Resources Technician – Wildlife Emphasis. Pay Range: $22.86 – $25.40/HR. 3/1/19.
- 20190033 Civil Engineer I or II Civil I. Pay Ranges: $6,052-6,724/MO. Civil II $6,974 – $7,749/MO. Closes 3/1/19.
NEW TEMPORARY OR SEASONAL: Applications are now being accepted for the following new temporary or seasonal positions (does not include benefits).
- 20190059 Softball Umpire. Pay: $21.77/HR. Open Until Filled.
- 20190058 Athletic Field Maintenance Technician. Pay Range: $14.13-$16.80/HR. Open Until Filled.
- 20190057 Climbing Wall Attendant. Pay Range: $11.10-$13.20/HR. Open Until Filled.
- 20190056 Babysitter-Recreation Center. Pay: $11.10/HR. Open Until Filled.
- 20190051 Seasonal* Landscape Grounds-Parks. Pay: $14/HR. Open until Filled.
- 20190050 Fitness Instructor-TRX, Zumba, Cycling & Barre. Pay: $16.95/HR. Open Until Filled.
- 20190049 Peer Case Manager – part-time, no benefits. Pay Range: $15.04 – $16.71/HR. Closes 2/21/19.
For more information regarding open positions or to submit an on-line application, please visit our website at https://longmontcolorado.gov/jobs
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