City to Host Clean Up, Green Up Events in April - City of Longmont Skip to main content
Fourteen participants in the Clean Up Green Up volunteer program post of a photo with bags of trash they've collected.

City to Host Clean Up, Green Up Events in April

The City of Longmont Parks & Natural Resources Division and the Longmont Public Library will host the annual Clean Up, Green Up event this April 5-19. The event encourages community groups, businesses, schools, neighborhoods, families and individuals to help beautify our community. Volunteers choose a neighborhood, a park, a trail, an open space or a street to clean up (or a coordinator can help assign an area).


Activities will begin with a kickoff event on Saturday, April 5 at the Longmont Library, and will also include a public clean-up opportunity along Left Hand Greenway on Tuesday April 8.


Clean Up, Green Up Campaign


You or your group are invited to clean up at any time between April 5 and 19. This year, bags and gloves can be picked up at the Longmont Public Library (409 4th Ave) between April 5 and 19 during Library business hours. Please wear gloves for your safety during your clean-up activities.


To learn more, or to sign up for a larger group cleanup, email


Kickoff Event


On Saturday April 5th the Longmont Public Library (409 4th Ave) will host a kickoff event from 9:30 am to noon. Stop by to get cleanup materials and to get assigned a park or greenway location. Parks staff will be available to suggest and assign high priority clean up locations.


This event is not required for participation, but is encouraged, and no registration is required.


Public Cleanup Event

A large group clean-up opportunity will take place along the Left Hand Greenway on Tuesday, April 8 from 5:30 to 7 pm. Find details and registration at


Please note that volunteers are also welcome to organize trash clean up events throughout the rest of the year through the Adopt-A-Park volunteer program.