Composting: Easy and cost-efficient
Composting: Easy and cost-efficient
Last year, the City of Longmont launched a composting program that outlined the ease, simplicity, and cost efficiency of adding composting to curbside waste collection. Year-one of the program was a success, with nearly 4,000 households signing up to compost.
“Contrary to what some might think, adding composting to your trash subscription, and incorporating composting into your daily routine, is really pretty simple,” explained Holly Milne, a communications and marketing manager with our team. “It’s just like recycling–you learn what goes in the cart and you make sure to put it there. And, with the help of compostable bags, there is no smell or mess. It’s just like taking out the trash.”
The composting process is as easy as putting your yard waste and branches, food (including meat, dairy, and bones), soiled paper (e.g. napkins, paper towels, tissues), shredded paper, and other organic materials in your curbside compost cart provided by the City. Check out the complete list >
The cost to add curbside composting to your existing trash service is $6.60 per month. Just as with recycling, the cart will be picked up every other week and taken to a commercial facility. There, the compost naturally cooks to temperatures of up to 150 degrees, breaking down materials that won’t decompose in your backyard compost pile and destroying disease-causing bacteria.
Every little bit helps. By choosing to compost, and by getting in the habit of sorting your waste, you help:
- Save landfill space and delay building a new one
- Reduce methane (a potent greenhouse gas)
- Enrich and improve soils
- Support Longmont’s sustainability goals for waste reduction
Ready to add curbside composting to your household? Visit ServiceWorks! any time to submit your request, or contact Waste Services Monday – Friday. You can downsize your household’s trash can size at the same time, if you’d like.