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Congressman Ken Buck supports projects request for funding at Vance Brand Airport

Congressman Ken Buck, R-Colorado 4th District, wrote a letter to Federal Aviation Administration Acting Administrator Dan Elwell in support of two project applications submitted for supplemental appropriations administered through the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP) to provide necessary improvements at Vance Brand Airport in Longmont, Colorado.

The FAA appropriated $2 billion in supplemental discretionary funding for smaller airports throughout the United States. The years covered in the supplemental appropriation are Fiscal Years (FY) 2018 – 2020. Vance Brand Airport has submitted two application packets for:

  1. Runway Extension – Estimated at approximately $14 million, which would include the environmental assessment, design and construction for the runway extension, two taxiway extensions, associated land purchase and extended vehicle service road.
  2. South Campus Development – Estimated at approximately $8.8 million, which would include utility infrastructure, taxi lane access, aircraft parking apron, auto access and parking, fencing, and a welcome facility with Airport Manager offices.

View the congressional support letter from Congressman Buck.