Construction Starts July 6 on County Line Road Improvements
Construction Starts July 6 on County Line Road Improvements
Construction on County Line Road between 9th Avenue and 17th Avenue is scheduled to begin on Monday, July 6, and be completed in April 2021, with an anticipated project shutdown over the winter months. The project will widen County Line Road to accommodate auxiliary turn lanes and on-street bike lanes, as well as constructing various intersection improvements.
The cost is estimated at approximately $3 million and is being paid for primarily from the City’s 3/4-cent Street Fund Sales and Use Tax.
The City of Longmont has contracted with DeFalco Construction for the planned improvements, which specifically include:
- Limited widening of County Line Road
- Left-turn lanes installed for the entire length of the project
- Trail connections at Jim Hamm Nature Area
- Sidewalk improvements along the west side of County Line Road from the Spring Gulch #2 Greenway (currently under construction) to 17th Avenue
The City of Longmont intends to use a phased construction approach to allow one lane of traffic to be maintained in each direction during the project. No full road closures are anticipated at this time. To the extent possible, work will be coordinated with Phase 2 of the Spring Gulch #2 Drainage and Trail Improvement project using existing traffic patterns. A bicycle detour route that is already in place for the Spring Gulch #2 project will be maintained for this project.
The public is encouraged to use alternate routes to avoid construction delays and lane closures. Current project information and traffic impacts can be found on the project website at bit.ly/county-line-road-improvements.
If you have questions or concerns about the project, please call the Project Hotline at 720-491-1167 or email CountyLineImprovements@gmail.com.
Si necesita esta información en español, por favor llame al 303-651-8416.