Counseling Support for Caregivers
Counseling Support for Caregivers
In Longmont and Boulder, we are fortunate to have two groups of peer counselor volunteers who are older adults providing free counseling for other older adults. Volunteers provide individual counseling as well as facilitation for support groups. In Longmont this service is also available for caregivers of older adults regardless of the caregiver’s age. All peer counselors receive training and ongoing supervision in basic counseling skills so that they may serve seniors struggling with grief, family problems, life transitions, and more.
After Jerry died, Sharon found that she had a hole in her heart. She accessed grief support from our peer counselors. Sharon believes it is important for people to have permission to grieve for as long as they need and to “have a meltdown sometimes.” She understands that the grief one feels as a caregiver doesn’t end when a loved one passes away, and new grief gets piled on top. She appreciated her peer counselor and said, “I could tell her anything and she would just listen and be supportive.” After some months of finding her life on the other side of caregiving and grief, Sharon decided she would like to become a peer counselor herself. She says, “It kind of saved my life.” She enjoys working with caregivers, as it feels good to know she can truly help them with her understanding from her own life experiences. Sharon’s message to caregivers it this: “You’ll surprise yourself. You’re much stronger than you think you are,” and life does go on after caregiving.
For peer counseling referrals in Longmont, call 303-651-8414; for peer counseling in Boulder, call 303-441-4388.