DA's Office Releases Findings of Officer Involved Shooting - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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DA’s Office Releases Findings of Officer Involved Shooting

The District Attornenews release public safety police fire oem dispatchy’s Office announced today that the investigation and legal analysis of the shooting of a stolen car driven by Keith Beyer (DOB:4/4/89) on August 10, 2020, 800 Block of Bross Street, involving Longmont Police Department Officer Kenneth Nix, has been completed.

District Attorney Michael Dougherty stated, “Based on the investigation, the police officers performed lawfully in their response to the alleged offenses and actions of Mr. Beyer. I appreciate that the Boulder County Investigation Team conducted an independent review of this incident. The integrity and outcome of these investigations is important to our community.”

The District Attorney’s detailed report, along with the video presentation prepared by the Critical Incident Team, can be found here:
