Data Caps? What Data Caps? - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Data Caps? What Data Caps?

When my wife Heather went to elementary school, she was a rebel. Specifically, she was the first “little kid” to check out stuff from the big kids’ section of her school library.

Chapter-book lovers of the world, unite!

She won a bigger victory than she realized at the time. Not too long after her breakthrough, Heather’s schools decided to kill the old policy and open the floodgates. Any of the younger students who wanted to could check out a big kids’ book.  Somehow, the world failed to end … but it did get a little more accessible.

Life without limits can do that.

It’s the same philosophy we apply to NextLight. Laptop with Star Field on Screen and In Background

There are a lot of things about NextLight that blow people’s minds. The speed that ranks among the fastest in the nation. The community ownership that puts you first. But one of the most welcome surprises for many people is the lack of data caps. 

Some providers mark a limit: “If you use more than this much data each month, we’ll charge you for it.”

We have a different approach: “How much data can you use? Well, how much do you need?”

That simple.

We know that internet service is an essential utility. That’s especially true these days, when a family may be working remotely, learning remotely, streaming videos, and chatting to a friend on the side about how crazy everything’s become. A high-speed connection lets you do all of that at once – but it’s the lack of a data cap that lets you keep doing it, day after day, as long as you need to.

So when you fire up the fiber, relax.  This is the big kids’ section. The limits are down, the possibilities are endless.

Caps off to that.