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Envision Longmont Report Highlights 2017 Accomplishments

The Envision Longmont Report to the Community is being mailed to all Longmont residents beginning the week of August 6, 2018, as part of the Fall Recreation Guide mailing packet.

Longmont’s report provides a concise summary of the City’s recent accomplishments and offers a roadmap for a more resilient and prosperous community.

The 8-page, full-color brochure as a quick and easy synopsis is intended to share highlights of what’s been done and what’s to come – as guided by the Envision Longmont Plan. Developed through a community-wide conversation about Longmont’s vision for the future, this plan identifies Longmont’s priorities, provides strategic guidance for the long-term needs and desires of the community, and describes ways to achieve them.

The plan is organized around six guiding principles that encompass living, working, doing business, and recreating in the city, while caring for residents and visitors, and being good stewards of our resources.

The report highlights a variety of critical issues including homeless solutions for Boulder County, affordable housing projects, new public safety programs, flood recovery, thriving downtown, safer roads and trails, renewable energy, and the City’s award-winning broadband initiative known as NextLight.

In addition to the citywide mailing, the report also is available at the Longmont Civic Center, 350 Kimbark St and online at