Essential Public Works and Natural Resources Services Continue amid COVID-19 Closures and Cancellations - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Essential Public Works and Natural Resources Services Continue amid COVID-19 Closures and Cancellations

As the COVID-19 virus brings closures and cancellations to our community, the City’s Public Works and Natural Resources Department (PWNR) continues to provide Longmont residents with essential services.

Safe and reliable drinking water; collection of trash, recycling and composting; wastewater processing; maintaining and improving our street system; and providing street cleaning, and snow control are among the many areas where things remain business as usual for the City and its residents.

Safe and Reliable Drinking Water

Longmont is always committed to providing safe and reliable drinking water, and this commitment does not waver during crisis situations.

The COVID-19 virus is respiratory, not waterborne, and is spread more like a common cold. Longmont’s water remains safe to drink, and residents will continue to have an uninterrupted drinking water supply.

Waste Services

Trash, recycling and composting collections will continue as normally scheduled. If being home more leads to generating additional materials, we offer easy options to increase your trash cart size, add composting service or add an additional trash cart. You can submit your request online 24/7 at or call the PWNR Customer Service Center at (303) 651-8416 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

The Waste Diversion Center (WDC), 140 Martin Street, remains open for Longmont resident use only. Contractors and those who are not Longmont residents will not be allowed into the Center for disposal of tree limbs or hard-to-recycle items. Longmont residents may continue to drop off those items. The bulk recycling station in the front of the WDC remains open to everyone to use. More details are available at

Wastewater Processing

The City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant continues to treat up to 17 million gallons per day. Learn more about the process at

Road Construction Projects

Previously scheduled road and bridge construction projects and the Pavement Management Program are continuing at this time, unless otherwise noted.

Street Services

Mobility throughout the community remains a priority. Street sweeping will continue as normally scheduled, and snow and ice control operations are being launched as necessary. Residents are encouraged to continue reporting areas in need of attention, such as potholes or burnt out traffic lights, online 24/7 at or by calling the PWNR Customer Service Center at (303) 651-8416 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Utility Services

In order to help Longmont’s residents care for themselves and their families, the City will not disconnect a customer’s utility services during this time. After the pandemic has passed, notice will be given before disconnects resume.

Utility Locates

Please continue to request utility locates before digging on any property. At least two business days before you plan to dig, make your request online with Colorado 811. You can also make requests by calling 811 or (800) 922-1987.

If you have immediate issues related to any of the services mentioned, please submit your request online 24/7 at or call the PWNR Customer Service Center at (303) 651-8416 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Learn more about all PWNR services available here.