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Fish with a Firefighter Invitational

FISH WITH A FIREFIGHTER INVITATIONAL – Longmont Breakfast Optimists, City of Longmont Department of Public Safety, Fire Services; Longmont Open Space and Trails, Longmont Youth Center, Kids Fishing Inc. and Bennet’s Bait of Berthoud presents:

Our First Fish with a Firefighter Invitational
Saturday June 4, 2016 at Izaak Walton Pavilion and Lake.
8 am-12 pm.

The Longmont Breakfast Optimists is teaming up with local businesses and 3 City of Longmont Departments to host 12 children selected by the Longmont Youth Center to join volunteer mentors from Longmont’s Fire Services Division to learn about the environment, how to fish and enjoy a morning of fishing with new friends. The event will include a formal curriculum in fishing and aquatic environments along with each child being assigned a firefighter who will take them fishing for the morning.

Izaak Walton Lake is a City Park open daily to the public for fishing for children 15 years old and younger only. It is graciously stocked throughout the year for kids only fishing through community donations to Kids Fishing, Inc., and the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife.The lake is stocked annually with largemouth bass, channel catfish, bluegills and rainbow trout specifically for kids to catch.