Get Cracking on Trimming Trees - City of Longmont Skip to main content
Broken tree branch

Get Cracking on Trimming Trees


No, that’s not an old Batman episode. Or a World War II movie. No, these echoes belong to a memorable part of my former life in Kansas – the tree branch wars.

If you’ve been in the Midwest during the cold season, you know exactly what I mean. It’s a simple equation: freezing temperatures plus Midwest humidity equals lots of ice … which in turn means branches breaking all over town.

They’d come down on cars. On rooftops. In front yards (sometimes big enough to walk under). And, of course, on power lines.

Why bring that up here? Because in Colorado, those cracks and bangs don’t need an ice storm to join the sound effects reel.

Broken tree branchWe get wet, heavy snow in the springtime, when new leaves are already adding their weight to the trees.

We get high winds year-round, testing limbs and joints and sometimes entire trees to their breaking point.

And sometimes we just get unlucky, and a branch that’s taken too much for too long decides that this is the day to retire.

And when it does, you don’t want it to come down on your power line. Because as fast as our crews are – and they typically get the lights back on in an hour or less – we know that no one wants to spend even a minute without their electricity.  

So plan ahead by getting your trees trimmed.

Check the city’s list of tree contractors and have one of them trim back any branches that are near a power line. If you need the power turned off first, give us a call at 303-651-8386. (And it should go without saying – please don’t try doing this yourself!)

Help your trees make the cut. Because branch wars get loud – and no one needs their power to become a casualty.