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Give Your Trees a Big Drink

It’s July, which means hot and dry weather in Colorado. We could all use some water, and that includes our trees!

Trees young and old need water, especially amid the scorching temperatures we’ve been experiencing.

  1. How much water does my tree need? Denver Water has put together a great guide detailing just that.
  2. How much will watering my trees cost me? Longmont Water rates are less than a penny per gallon. ($00.00538 to be precise.) For a newly planted tree, around two inches in diameter, the minimum water requirement of 20 gallons per week will cost about a dime! That’s a great deal, especially when you consider the value trees provide. Trees offer benefits such as cooling savings, increased home value, oxygen production and so much more.

Please help Longmont keep our tree canopy healthy and strong by watering trees. If you have a City tree on your property and can provide it with water, we (and the tree!) greatly appreciate it.

Learn more about trees throughout Longmont at

Contact the Forestry Division with questions or concerns online or at 303-651-8416.