Helicopter Fire Suppression Training in the Area
Helicopter Fire Suppression Training in the Area
The Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control (DFPC) will conduct helicopter-based fire suppression training Friday, April 6 through Sunday, April 8, 2018 near Longmont with the Colorado Army National Guard, Boulder Fire-Rescue, the City of Longmont and U.S. Forest Service in an annual inter-agency wildland fire training exercise.
The training exercises, incorporating federal, state and local authorities, include practicing aerial water bucket drops at Denver-metro lakes and reservoirs to improve coordinated response for air- and ground-based response elements during large-scale emergencies.
The goal is to provide a safe and realistic training environment for comprehensive training, practice, and development of skills for all agencies involved. Training will be conducted in a safe manner. Months of planning have included coordination with local authorities for site locations, movement of equipment, and environmental considerations.
Participating agencies include the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control, Colorado National Guard, Boulder Fire-Rescue, U.S. Forest Service, Denver Water, City of Longmont, Longmont Fire Department, and numerous other local departments.
Local residents and park visitors will notice UH-60 Black Hawk, CH-47 Chinook and UH-72 Lakota helicopters near Button Rock Reservoir, Longmont; Gross Reservoir, Boulder; and Vance Brand Airport, Longmont. Aircraft may also be operating over Bear Creek Reservoir area. The majority of flights will occur April 6-8, weather permitting.