Help McIntosh Lake Nature Area grow diverse plants
Help McIntosh Lake Nature Area grow diverse plants
Longmont residents have a chance to help a variety of plants, shrubs and trees grow along the north shores of McIntosh Lake Nature Area.
This area of McIntosh Lake, located just west of Airport Road and about a half mile south of Highway 66, is protected from public access to provide habitat for the wildlife in the area. However, this shoreline is lacking in diversity of vegetation species and structure, with mostly grasses and wildflowers. To increase the diversity of the habitat, City of Longmont Parks, Open Spaces and Trails staff has planted a variety of shrubs and trees and is asking for volunteers from the community to help water the plants during three events over the summer months.
These species of vegetation will provide important flowering resources for pollinators, berries for birds and mammals, and shelter for many species. During last year’s event, volunteers planted and watered more than 700 plants, including peach-leaf willow, American plum, chokecherry, false indigo, wood’s rose, and golden currant, among others. This year, staff and volunteers will help those plants continue to establish as well as plant another 600 later this fall!
For more information about the three watering events at McIntosh Lake or to sign up to volunteer, click on the dates below: