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Six hands gripping each other interconnected

Helping the Helpers

In times of trouble, Fred Rogers famously said, look for the helpers. “I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this Six hands gripping each other interconnectedworld.”

It’s true. Every community depends on them. Especially the individuals and groups that look out for the folks who most need help, lending a hand with food or shelter or a hundred other basic essentials.

The helpers are wonderful. They’re amazing.

And now, they have a chance to get some help of their own.

Efficiency Works recently began the Community Efficiency Grant, specifically aimed at the non-profits and multifamily properties that serve the income-qualified community. Participants can get 1.5 times the usual Efficiency Works rebate for any eligible energy efficiency projects they do this year – which means they save now on the renovation costs, and for a long time to come on the lower energy bills.

Who qualifies? Any business, development or organization that’s a 501( c) 3 in good standing whose core mission is to serve low-income individuals or families. That could be a food pantry, a specific church ministry, an income-qualified apartment complex or much more.

If you know of or belong to an organization that fits, the application is right here. Point them right this way. We’re honored to help – especially when it lets their help and their resources stretch a little bit farther through our community.

With all of us working together, we can make it a beautiful day in the neighborhood.