Leading Edge Entrepreneurship Workshops
Leading Edge Entrepreneurship Workshops
The Leading Edge Entrepreneurship Series is a hands-on, step-by step business planning program for new, startup and early stage startup businesses. Test the feasibility of your idea, solidify your business model, and build a road map to profitability. The series will be held on Tuesdays from 6 to 9 pm, September 16 – November 18 at the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce, 528 Main Street. The cost is $495 per person, $125 for partner or spouse. Entrepreneurs who qualify for City of Longmont/LEGI Scholarship pay only $125. To register visit http://www.bouldersbdc.com. For more information on other Economic Vitality programs call 303-651-8403 or email doug.bene@ci.longmont.co.us.