Life is But a Stream (Full Speed Ahead blog)
Life is But a Stream (Full Speed Ahead blog)

So what’s on TV?
A long time ago in a viewing landscape far, far away, that used to be an easy question. If you watched television at all, you either watched it over the air for free, or you paid to have a cable box or satellite dish. You had to watch or record your show when it aired, or else miss it entirely. Many times, you had to pay for dozens of channels you didn’t want, just to get the few you needed.
My, how things have changed.
Now streaming – watching video over the internet – has taken over the world. That’s no exaggeration. Last year, television viewers worldwide streamed one billion hours of content per day. And since much of that content is on demand, you don’t really have to keep a schedule anymore … you just watch what you want to watch when you want to watch it.
But for a newcomer, it can be a little intimidating. With this sea of video all around you, how do you get started? The good news is, it’s a lot easier than you think. With just a little preparation, you can be up and watching in no time.
Here’s a few quick tips:
- Make sure you have a high-speed internet connection and a good router. Sounds obvious, but no one wants their show to slow down or freeze up in (literally) mid-stream. For NextLight, any of our residential speeds will give you more than enough power, especially when paired with one of our WiFi6 routers that can help keep a good connection to your TV anywhere in the house.
- Get the right gear. That starts with getting a smart TV – one that has internet access – if you don’t already have one. That’s not hard, since 80% of TVs sold these days are smart ones. Depending on what that TV comes with and what you want to watch (see below), you may also need a streaming device such as a Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire Stick or Roku Streaming Stick to get what you need. Similarly, if your TV doesn’t come with an internal antenna, you can buy one to keep picking up local news and other over-the-air programming.
- Decide what you want to watch. Are there specific programs or movies you want to make sure you can see? How about types of programming, like sports or classic films or game shows? Make a list of what’s important to you.
- Pick the services that fit your needs. There are a lot of services out there these days – this page has a good quick summary of the major choices available and the sort of things they offer. (And if you’re looking for specific shows or films, searching online for “streaming services that carry (x)” can quickly tell you what you want.) Some streaming services are free while others have a monthly rate, so once you’ve decided on the services you want, add things up to make sure you’re fitting your budget.
Once you’ve got all that settled, it’s all over but making the popcorn.
Stream on!